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Mission Work Conferences

Chad Conference: June 2021

Discipleship Conference

  • Teaching went very well and the pastors were very responsive, took many notes.
  • Pastors decided to move forward with Discipleship II. This will need to be planned and scheduled.
  • Feature workbooks must be Translated into French. This was a difficulty. Fortunally, several pastors knew English and could translate. We knew this was an issue prior to the conference.
  • It appears BFC will be working in the Chad region, at least for the next few years as the pastors will want to go through all the teaching on all nine programs. The complete BFC Mission Curriculum.
  • The cost of overall conference was less than 2K, but PWB flight + accommodations is costly. 2100.00. Overall cost 3700.00. We could move to a less costly hotel, but security is very good here, pastors appreciated the good food and conference room. God blessed us here.

Woman’s Ministry

  • On Sunday afternoon June 20th, Pastor Ismail, our main contact introduced me to approximately 30 women that have been displaced from families because of converting from Islam to Christ. Difficult, but non-the-less this is a reality.
  • These woman are desperate for help. Many have children.
  • Please pray for this group.

Service and Multiple Ministries (SAM Global Ministries)

  • On Thursday, Pastor Ismail set up a meeting with Agatha Burrus. Agatha is a missionary from Germany.
  • Agatha is in charge of this mission called SAM Global. She has been in Chad 21 years. Agatha reminds me of Julia Rose of Asapalli in India.
  • SAM Global operates a primary education school grades 1-6 with a kindergarten.
  • There is a several acre compound that houses: A Clinic, Dorms, and several other buildings.
  • I believe we may be working with this organization similarly as we do with Asapalli.
  • We can help develop the literature, their website, and other various marketing projects.
  • Their vision is to plant churches, work with the locals to bring to Christ, educate the youth, and help reduce alcoholism.
  • Please pray for guidance as what BFC will do to serve this mission.
Overall, it has become obvious that being in the region is useful for Kingdom building. There is a great need for church planting, deeper education regarding instruction with pastors, vocational training and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It appears we will work in this region for quite some time. Thank you for your prayer support.
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