Mission Work Conferences
Nairobi Conference: 2021
Greetings and God bless you! We thank God for His protection, His provision and His Grace throughout this recent trip to Kenya. Additionally, we especially thank Mark Otieno and Jomo Otieno for all their dedication to serve the Nairobi BFC Conference of Churches and The Elderly Care Program. Below are the highlights of the work for the Lord in service to others.
However I sensed throughout this trip that we are to emphasis and smash home the Lord’s words in Luke 12:48b "And from everyone who has been given much shall be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more." The Lord’s work through BFC Kenya is the single greatest work throughout the BFC Ministry. There is so much fruit and because of this we will pour more resources of Time and Money. Words can not sufficiently describe the joy of being used to serve God’s people in Kenya.
Luncheon Meeting with the BFC Worship Team MembersA few months ago we formed a worship team, yet I was not sure only felt we should and so we had our first meeting on Saturday October 2nd. Mark, Nelle, Sharon, Eunice, Aiden ( Sharon’s son ) and Allison. We discussed moving forward with a BFC Office to organize the BFC Ministry in Nairobi. We discussed launching an all-day Convocation to introduce the services of BFC in the Nairobi Churches. All agreed to start praying to together weekly and that perhaps Monica may join the team.
Pastoral Conference on Discipleship II at Deliverance ChurchWe are very grateful to Deliverance church for allowing the space to cover Discipleship II with the conference churches. It was decided that 2 days was not enough time to cover all the contents of this program. Moving forward Mark decided that at least 3 to 4 days should be given. The pastors felt strongly that more time must be given to this body of work. That the Discipleship I program is great for new Christians but most of the content in Discipleship II is for the more mature Christian. In the end all turned in prayer requests and are very grateful for the workshop and want more.
Discussion to form the Nairobi Churches into a BFC ConferenceDuring the two day conference there was general consensus that we should organize the churches in Nairobi and allow all of the BFC Curriculum and programs to be used by the body of Christ. Two Pastors are called to prison Ministry and want to be trained up in Behind the Walls, all pastors believe there is a greater addiction problem and feel the need for Healing and Restoration from Addiction, many felt that Operation Blessing Bag will be very useful in Evangelism. There were other related topics of discussion . The idea would be to launch a one day convocation with the Deliverance Church possibly hosting the event, with Nelle’s team heading up worship and introducing all the BFC’s materials in a series of workshops throughout the day. After the event, if the Lord opens the door for a more permanent BFC Nairobi office then we would do that. All agreed to pray.
Meeting with Mary Ojodeh of The Village ResortA few years ago BFC had decided to launch its Kenyan Retreat. In fact, there were several folks who wanted to participate. Most of the retreat centered around the Village Resort in Ndiwtha Kenya. Then COVID19 hit. We wanted to be sure Mary Ojodeh was back on board with the retreat. Mary is the owner of the Village Resort. We are planning the retreat for March of 2022. Look for upcoming announcements in the BFC Publications: Revive and Discipleship Devotional magazine. And yes, Mary says it’s a go so we are planning and hoping for 8 to 12 souls to retreat at the beautiful Village Resort in Ndithwa, Kenya.
Meeting with Bishop Peter Midodo of the PEFA Church (Pentecostal, Evangelistic, Fellowship of Africa)Some of you may remember that we have been working with Pastors of the PEFA Church Lake Region. In that region Bishop Midodo presides over 88 churches. Since 2017 BFC has done 4 conferences with 20 of his churches, including the book of Jonah, Discipleship I and 2 CEF Sunday School Trainings. The Bishop has been one of our earliest friends we had met when we launched the Lord’s work in 2017. He has participated with the BFC Retreat at Holy Cross Monastery in West park NY and is very interested in our inner city work with the COGIC Church. In any event, Mark, the Bishop, and I discussed the 2022 schedule and all agreed to proceed with Training of the PEFA Lake Region Pastors. So Mark will be coordinating the 2022 schedule with Pastoral Training. Which also will be taking place at our favorite spot: The Village Resort.
Meeting with the Elders of the Elderly Care Program in MigoriThis is one of BFC’s newest ministries. Headed by Jomo Otieno and his wife Mama Sarah. The Elder Care Program was started in June of 2020 primarily by the Otieno Family. By now, you should be coming into an understanding of how blessed BFC is to have, through God’s Grace, the Otieno family. What a celebration of the love of Christ. I am really privileged to serve beside them all. Jomo heads The Elder Care program. He feeds several Elders throughout the week, 6 days a week in fact. He brings them to hospital, he brings to them special needs: Bedding, Mattresses. Mama Sarah handles all the cooking. And Jomo had 2 of his pastors there Thursday. We toured around the area, visiting each Elder, taking pics with them and giving them more gifts. And finally we were able to pray with them all. Mark and I decided to add this tour to the Kenyan Retreat. So if you are coming to the retreat expect to meet the Elders. Once meeting each, Jomo and Mark, brought them back to Jomo’s home to have an Elder Care Dinner and Meeting!! Wow!!! It was a great day in the Lord!! In addition we have decided to add an orphan named Lorin and her son Derrick to the Elder Care program. Money has already been sent to Jomo. God yearns for us to especially watch over the widows and the orphans. So let us thank God!
Concluding CommentsI am so sorry for the lengthy report. But there was so much content. Again, let us thank God for the Otieno Family for their services and especially our brother Mark Otieno. Mark is the East African Liaison and he is so good in what he does. Mark is calm, cool and collected. We thank Jomo and his wife Sarah. And so it seems that the Lord is strengthening the body of Christ. At least the churches and people we serve. This unification will bring power of the Holy Spirit. If true repentance occurs we could see a true revival. For without repentance there can be no revival. So we continue to press into the work the Lord has set in front of us knowing it is His Kingdom in which we tarry. It is His people that we serve. And let us always remember that he reigns on the just and the unjust and we are all made in His Divine Nature and therefore, we are called to Love. Love God, Love of Neighbor and to love ourselves. Your prayers were so needed and so appreciated. I look forward to what the Lord is doing!